Our Platform

The Paradata platform consists of a group of foundation architectures as well as a

data-centered integrated infrastructure that powers Paradata SaaS.

Our Foundation Architectures

Our foundation architectures comprise a cloud-based multi-tenant architecture, a secure access and privacy framework, an open integration infrastructure, attribute-aware entity data management, as well as our basic principle of transactional decision-making transparency.

Cloud-Based Multi-Tenant Architecture

Unlike off-site hosting models, our cloud-based multi-tenant architecture enables multiple customers to be on the same version of our application while securely partitioning their respective application data.

We completely automate any data and schema migrations needed by new application versions, with no work necessary on the part of our customers. Furthermore, customers utilize our IT resources and operational infrastructure, significantly reducing the costs of implementation, upgrades, and support.

We endeavor to adhere to the highest security standards and follow enterprise-class best practices.

Secure Access and Privacy Framework

We voluntarily obtain third party examinations relating to security and data privacy. From the physical security of our data center operations, to network and application level-security, to safeguarding our customers’ sensitive data, we aspire to provide best-in-class infrastructure, policies and procedures.

We deliver configurable, user-level access control policies as well as a comprehensive, always-on auditing service that captures and documents changes to both data elements and business processes.

Open Integration Infrastructure

Integration with other enterprise applications is a fundamental design criterion for our SaaS application. By offering an enterprise-class integration infrastructure and toolset, we relieve customers of many of the burdens associated with legacy systems integration and greatly reduce the risk of implementation failures or delays. In addition to open, standards-based web services application programming interfaces (web service APIs), we build, support, and maintain a growing portfolio of integration packages and connectors.

Attribute-Aware Entity Data Management

Our fundamental data strategy is to support the four V’s of Big Data:

New data is constantly added to Paradata’s datasets, acquired  from both public data sources and our customers to be harmonized with our proprietary knowledge base.

Paradata’s data management uses an object-oriented framework where entities with attributes represent real world people, things, places, and events. Entities belong to collections called entity sets that reflect a common classification, such as Vendors or Parts or People. Data scientists from both Paradata and our customers define the attributes of interest for each entity set.

These definitions are used to create and organize trustworthy harmonized datasets, resulting in relationally-enabled, attribute-aware datasets that also include a measure of data confidence to support data quality.

Transactional Decision-Making Transparency

One of Paradata’s basic principles is that of transparency. We believe that decision-makers will need to understand the how and why behind our recommendations and results.

For example, we provide tools for a data analyst to examine the original source data from which our master profile entities are created. For supply chain engineers, we offer the ability to drill down and examine the component parts and their detailed attributes to confirm that our quote represents the best decision.

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